Banja Luka fishing area

The River Vrbas flows through the heart of Banja Luka region, which is the centre of the region and which, together with its tributaries Vrbanja, Krupa, Suturlija, Švrakava, Gomionica and Subotica make the regional fishing area. Fishing also takes place in a part of Lake Bočac.

The upper parts of rivers in Banja Luka region are dominated by salmonid species of fish, the most significant of which is grayling, while in their lower parts the rivers take on the characteristics of lowland rivers dominated by cyprinid fish species such as: sneep, rudd, chub, barbel, carp, catfish, pike, zander etc.

A part of the large Lake Bočac is home to some capital pieces of cypirinid species (catfish, carp, zander).