Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Category: News

International Festival of street entertainers “TrotoArt” this year in Banja Luka brings artists from: Serbia, Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Switzerland and France, and it’s going on since 16th. until 18. June.

Artist from Switzerland, Eva Čermak – street show called “Señora Gomez”;

The international program of the Street Entertainers Festival “TrotoArt” this year in Banja Luka brings artists from: Serbia, Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Switzerland and France, and opens from 16. until 18. each other.

“Big dolls and do-gooders” – “Trance Express Circus” from France;

Band “Teatrosk” from Skopje – performance of “live statue”;
Artist from Switzerland, Eva Čermak – street show called “Senjora Gomez”;